Frequently Asked Questions





Can I wear my hair up or in a pony tail?

Yes!  Many of my clients as well as myself work out and live a very active life style.  That is what's nice about NBR, there are no limitations to hair styles.  Can be worn in a pony tail, braid or high bun.

what is the maintenance on the extensions after initial application?

After your first application I send you home with a care package and instructions of how to take care of the extensions. We then schedule a follow-up for tightening every 6-8 weeks.

Are the extensions a lot of work or hard to maintain?

I honestly believe having Natural Beaded Row Extensions are a lot easier for my lifestyle.  I can go longer between washes and extensions hold style allowing me to unwind my hair with little to no need to re-style.   Having NBR actually saves me time in the morning for that reason.  

how long does the hair last?

We use supreme Remi Hair Luxe and everyone is different.  If you take good care of your hair the hair can last up to six months before having to invest in new hair.